Time Management: Step 1 – Log it and Analyze it


What does Time Management mean to you?  Do you even think in those terms when you plan your day?  Do you even plan your day or do you let your day run you?

Time Management is defined as the ability to use one’s time effectively or productively.  So … is that you!!!!  Do you go home every day feeling accomplished and a To-Do List that has all the boxes checked off?  Yes – I do, I do – said no one ever!!!!!!!   There always seems to be more to do than time to do it.  Time management affects everyone, not just managers/leaders or business owners.  

The trick to time management really is just that “managing your time”.  There are no shortage of experts or books on this subject.  I am certainly no expert – but I can honestly say that I work at this.  I am continually in search of better, more efficient ways to get my work completed.  There is no right or wrong way – it’s what works for you and that is going to take trial and error.  But you have to try.  

The first thing that everyone should do is to figure out what they currently spend their time on.  I think you will be totally amazed at where  your “time sucks” are.  Try an experiment for a week.  Diligently log all of your activities for a week.  Be honest – if you walk into your office in the morning and Brigit sits down and spends 1/2 hr telling you about her weekend – log it.  Your the only one who is going to be looking a it.  If you stay 3 hours overtime – log it.  If you work through your lunch – log it.  If you answer emails at night from home for an hour – log it.  After one week – analyze it.  

Do you notice any of the following:

 – Do you jump from task to task?

 – Is your day planned or do you put out fires most of the day?

 – Do you spend time doing tasks that are not completed properly by others?

 – How much of your time in your calendar is not controlled by you and is unavoidable – meetings/travelling

 – Are you a multi-tasker? 

 – Do you have “notifications” turn on for your emails?  

 – Do you read emails immediately as they come in?

 – Do you work through the day without taking time for breaks or lunch?

 – Do you spend time looking for documents or notes because your desk is messy or you are disorganized in your filing?

 – Did you notice that there is a time of the day when you are more productive?

This experiment is not meant to make you feel guilty for not being very productive or for having bad habits.  It is simply giving you the power of information.  Once you have this information it is up to you what you want to do with it.  You can look at it and say “I’m doing the best I can and there is nothing that I am willing to change” or you might want to change everything.   Now I personally don’t suggest that you do either of those.  You should always look for ways to improve and even if you pick one item to do differently that’s a good start.  I also don’t suggest that you change everything.  Baby steps – look at changing 2 or 3 items first.  Once your comfy with those changes – move on and make more.  

Check out our next Blog …  Time Management – Tips and Tricks

The True Value of Vacation Time


The snow is gone and the grass is slowly starting to turn green.  Employee thoughts are turning to summer vacation planning.  How do you manage vacation time in your business?  Do you encourage employees to take their vacation time or is “Vacation Shaming” part of your Workplace culture?  

Vacation time should be encouraged, celebrated and looked forward to.  Taking time away from work is vital to keeping your team happy, motivated, productive, and ensuring they are physically and emotionally well!  As a Business owner or leader ensure that you are leading by example and planning and taking your time away from work.  If you have ever taken a vacation in the past and been on a plane (insert laughter here) you have heard the flight attendant tell you in case of an emergency put the oxygen mask on yourself first.  Well taking time away from your business for a vacation is the proverbial oxygen mask.   

No doubt, if you own a small business vacation coverage can be difficult.   Difficult but not impossible. Nobody should have to take their laptop on vacation to check emails or keep project timelines on schedule – seriously people what did we do before smart phones and laptops?  No employee should be that indispensable.  If you have an employee that is so indispensable that they can’t be away for a week or two – you seriously need to institute some cross training immediately.   Yes, you should miss the person and feel their loss from the office but your business must be able to continue in their absence.  

Planning is so important to the vacation process. Firstly, ensure that you strategically approve vacation requests so that there is adequate coverage of employees.   Don’t be afraid to say “no” to a vacation request.  Lets face it – the whole office can’t be on vacation at the same time… or can they?  If you have a ‘shut down’ in your business-you are allowed to dictate that time to your employees as vacation time.  It is important that you manage the expectations of your clients and customers.  If you have peak business periods (for example Christmas) don’t be afraid to black out a period of time where vacations will not be approved. 

Many employers find the summer months peak time for employees requesting time off.  Especially in smaller businesses it can be challenging to manage employee vacation requests while still respecting and honouring commitments to your clients and customers.  For the businesses that historically slow down during the summer months the challenge may not be as real as it is for businesses that maintain or increase business during these months.  If summer is a busy season and a challenge to have employees on vacation – consider offering an incentive for employees to take vacation during less busy times.  If you have a traditional time where business slows considerably – consider offering an incentive to your employees to book their vacation during that time.  How about an extra week of vacation if they book it during a specific time?  Be creative.

Time off has positive benefits to both employees and the businesses they work in.  Taking regular vacation time away from work reduces stress, improves focus, has significant health benefits, improves work/life balance, and employees returning from vacation have improved creativity and productivity.  All positive reasons to ensure that your employees are utilizing all of their vacation time!

Filling Vacancies – Why quick isn’t always best!


I have been helping a number of my clients find candidates to fill vacancies lately – so I thought it was timely for this Blog topic.

Let’s face it – every day that passes with an empty desk is another day of lost productivity, customers not receiving your best service and other employees potentially working longer hours to pick up the slack.  Not a great situation and one that managers often feel pressure to fix quickly.  

Sometimes fixing it quickly can mean convincing the employee to stay and offering them more money to stay, taking a resume from a friend or colleague and hiring that person without proper interviews or reference checks or rushing the process and picking the first person and not necessarily the best person for the job.  All of these seem like really good ideas at the time but potentially could have huge costs associated with them down the line.  

It has been my experience (in my 20+ years of HR) that convincing an employee to stay after they have handed in their notice is usually not the answer.   Unless they reveal a specific reason for their termination and you can rectify that specific situation – then you can have a win.  Generally an employee is leaving for more than one reason.  By the time an employee has gone through the process of looking for another job, interviewing for that job, accepting that job and handing in their termination to you – they have made up their mind.  If you can convince them to stay it will generally be short lived and not a positive experience.  

Acting quickly and hastily is generally not a wise course of action.  You can all give me 100+ reasons why you need to make the decision fast and they are all valid reasons- but so is having a process and following the process.  Consider the ramifications of a poor hire.  We have all worked with the under-performer, the negative person that erodes the culture of the team, the person with the incredibly high absence record, the person who creates a safety risk to themselves and others – once they are on your team – they can be difficult to manage and can cause a lot of collateral damage to your team.   

Interviewing and choosing the best candidate is a process.  Sometimes a long process, but if it is done correctly – generally you will find a better quality of candidate and good fit for your team culture.  

Here are some things to keep in mind as you prepare to interview candidates:

  • Keep the interview questions relevant to the job – the purpose of the interview is to determine a candidate’s capability to perform the essential functions that have been defined for the job
  • Evaluate all candidates for the position equally and by the same set of questions
  • Remember there are legalities involved here…

Manitoba Human Rights states:  

“There are human rights laws in every province and territory across Canada and there is also a federal human rights law. These laws all promote the principle that we are entitled to be treated on the basis of our individual merit and should not be subjected to prejudice or stereotypes. These laws ensure that we have equality of opportunity and freedom from discrimination, principles found in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They ensure that we are all treated on the basis of our own merit and not subjected to prejudice and stereotypes.

Discrimination is treating a person differently, to their disadvantage where it is not reasonable to do so on the basis of their:

  • ancestry, including colour and perceived race
  • nationality or national origin
  • ethnic background or origin
  • religion, religious belief, association or activity
  • age
  • sex, including pregnancy
  • gender identity
  • sexual orientation
  • marital or family status
  • source of income
  • political belief, association or activity
  • physical or mental disability
  • social disadvantage

Discrimination demeans a person’s individual worth and dignity and is prohibited in employment.”

Keep an open mind with all of the candidates that you are interviewing.  Everyone brings different experiences and knowledge; ask the appropriate questions to ensure that you are bringing out the best in every candidate interviewed and then rate every interview.  Don’t make it a race to fill the job – ensuring that you pick the best candidate for the job and the culture of your organization is a “win” for everyone! 

HR Compliance – What does it mean?

HR compliance is a necessity for any business (small, medium or large) in today’s legal environment.  As a business owner it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure that your business is compliant.  Ignorance of the law does not release you of your responsibility.

What does HR compliance mean?  Very simply it is a way of defining proper workplace behaviours and assuring that policies and laws are understood and followed.  This means that you must know the laws and have proper policies in place.  To be compliant doesn’t mean just having policies sitting in a dusty binder somewhere in the office.  It means that you and your leaders know them, understand them and communicate them to your teams.  To have a Harassment Policy means nothing if your employees aren’t aware that it exists or they haven’t been trained to understand it.

HR laws change constantly.   When was the last time you updated your Employee Handbook?  Has it been updated since the legalization of Marijuana?  Have you updated your policies to reflect the Accessibility Standard for Customer Service in Manitoba?  

HR Compliance is so much more than policies.  The risk to your business is real.  There are labour laws, employment standards legislation, health and safety regulations and human rights legislation to name a few.  Mitigate your risk and partner with an HR professional. 

Many small businesses have HR responsibilities lumped in with the Office Manager or the Accountant.  I often joke with perspective clients that you wouldn’t want me doing your books or taxes and you probably shouldn’t have your accountant taking care of your HR.  As a business owner you don’t need to have all the answers – but you need to have a place where you can go to get good advice.  If you aren’t large enough to have an HR professional on staff – you should definitely have one on contract.  Many small businesses believe that HR is not affordable – that is simply not true. 

Romas HR Consulting understands the needs of business and we are here to help you mitigate risk in your business, improve employee engagement and provide support to you and your leaders.  With Support Packages available for a low monthly fee; we can ensure that your business is compliant, has policies in place to cover employee concerns and we are just a phone call/text/email away for any questions/concern/issues that arise.  We won’t take up office space or increase your cost of employee benefits – but we are always available for you.  Our package includes unlimited HR support, unlimited access to training video library for your management and staff on important topics such as Harassment in the Workplace, Violence in the Workplace and Impairment in the Workplace.  When laws change we will provide you with policy updates and knowledge support documents to help you understand the changes.   If you need support with medical accommodations – we are just a phone call away.  Have a difficult message to deliver to an employee – we can be on site to help ensure that it goes smoothly and be a witness to the meeting.

Are you having difficulty understanding what compliance means for your business?  Give us a call.

The Value of Team Communication

Good communication is integral to your business and business success.  We live in a world of emails and texts – but there is still a real need for verbal communication.

In the workplace, good communication is an important factor in client relationships, team effectiveness, and employee engagement.

Do you have regular Staff /Team Meetings?  How do you communicate with your teams?  If you don’t have regular meetings – you are missing a huge opportunity to bond with your team, connect with your team and drive engagement.  

Now don’t get me wrong, we have all attended meetings that have been a royal waste of time.  I’m sure we can all agree that there have been meetings we have walked out of complaining “that was an hour of life we will never get back” – am I right?  Meetings need to be planned and provide a value for those attending.  

Spend time on the initial planning; ensure consistency, they need to be scheduled, there should always be an agenda and honour your time commitment to your team.   Want to make them more engaging?  Involve your team members; assign certain topics to employees to speak on.  Is there a development opportunity here?       

 Remember to:

Set a schedule: consistency is key – same day/same time weekly/monthly – don’t move the time around.  If an emergency arises – it’s better you cancel and give everyone that time back into their calendars.  Be respectful.  If you cancel and reschedule meetings on a regular basis you are creating a perception that meeting with them is not important and they will show you that same respect in return and your meetings will not be well attended or productive.

Set a time: whether a 5 minute huddle/15 minute Stand up meeting or a full hour sitting in the conference room – begin and end the meeting on time

Have an agenda: if you have regular meetings it is a good idea to have a standing agenda.  Set rules – no cell phones, no answering texts or emails, no side conversations.  Give items in your agenda a set time and stick to it – don’t let the conversation go off topic

Cover Key topics : “What’s new”, celebrate successes, safety, budget, project updates

End with a roundtable 

I can’t stress this enough – respect time – stick to your schedule.  If an item is brought up and does’t fit in to the time allotted and is not urgent – “park it” on next agenda or commit to dealing with it in an email.  If an item doesn’t bring value to the whole group, take the question/item to a “one on one” conversation after the group meeting is complete.  

Meetings don’t need to be time prohibitive – have a 5 minute huddle every day, a 15 minute “stand up” meeting once a week, or whatever would work in your business.

Don’t think meetings are important to your business and your team?  Ask yourself why some of the biggest most profitable businesses have huddles everyday (some have more than one a day).  Now I’m not saying you have to end with a cheer 😉  but seriously these businesses understand that the time invested increases profits and engagement and they dedicate time required for those meetings and so should you.

Plan your meetings – virtually, on a conference call or in person.  It’s important to PLAN and COMMIT to having them regularly.

Managing Absenteeism

Do you track absenteeism in your organization?  Many small businesses don’t even think about absenteeism until it becomes a problem.

What is considered excessive?  1 day a month?  2 days a month?  10 days a year?  Not an easy question to answer.  Ideally, start by looking at absenteeism across the board for your organization – for everyone.  It’s as simple as creating an excel spreadsheet.  Come up with a system where you identify vacation time, bereavement, family sick etc – use a code to identify each ( eg. V-vacation). Then look at some stats – 6 months stats/12 month stats.  Does anyone stand out as being excessive compared to the rest of the organization?

Once you have the numbers – time to have the conversation.  It is really important to sit down and have an honest, non-threatening conversation with the employee.  Be transparent, show them the numbers (only discuss their situation; don’t compare to others).  It’s really important that you don’t just treat the symptoms, discover the cause.  Is there a current medical situation that would suggest a temporary accommodation may be required?  (Please ensure that you are not asking for a medical diagnosis or for any information of a private medical nature – you can only ask if there is a medical situation that requires accommodation and questions regarding the accomodation)  Is there a family situation that the employee is dealing with?  Is there one department or team that has significant absences when compared to other teams?  Is there low moral or engagement in their job or on their team?  Has this situation started as a result of the new leader that you promoted in that area – you may have a bigger concern than absenteeism.

Having a timely conversation with employees regarding absenteeism is important.  My experience has shown me that if you set clear expectations and have a flexible environment – you will have higher employee morale and engagement and are less likely to have absence abuse.  Create an environment where employees do not feel their job is threatened if they have a dentist appointment, need to pick up a sick child or elderly parent to care for.  Do you allow your employees to work flex hours or work from home?  Do you have “Personal Days” that your employees can utilize for family situations or days when they just really need a break from the office?

Keep in mind that Manitoba Employment Standards has “legislated leave” which must be granted to all eligible employees – ensure that you are honouring and tracking those leave situations.

If you have an employee who is abusing your leave policy and has excessive absenteeism – please speak with an HR professional before going down the progressive discipline route to ensure that you have done your Due Diligence as an employer.