Entries by romashr

The Great Resignation – Believe it or Not?

Many people have opinions on whether or not this is happening in our little prairie province of Manitoba.  Whether you believe this or not – here is the hard truth – “People are no longer competing for jobs; companies are competing for people”.  As a business that employs people – you need to be prepared […]

Give your employees the right to disconnect!

    Give your employees the right to disconnect! We currently live in a world where all the lines are blurred – school/work/child care/elder care are all under the same roof.  Defined work spaces & defined work times don’t seem to exist anymore.  For some of us the dining room table, in addition to being […]

Appreciating Generational Differences in the Workplace

  Communicating and engaging the different generations in the workplace is more important than ever, but also more challenging.  We are working in a time where employees are working past the traditional retirement date and there could be 4 generations of employees represented in a workplace.  Each generation has been raised differently and experienced life […]

The “New Normal” is not “Normal”

  The “New Normal” is not “Normal” Covid19 has entered our lives and doesn’t look like it is leaving anytime soon.  It has shaken our world and changed almost every aspect our daily lives. Many businesses were forced to close their doors only to reopen to a phased-in approach scheduled by the government.  It appears […]

Delivering Effective Performance Evaluations

    We are half way through 2019 – have you sat down with your employees for a “mid year” discussion about their performance and their goals?  Did you set goals with your employees at the beginning of the year?  Do you have time set out for regular discussions about Performance and Goals with your […]

Time Management – Tips and Tricks

  I hope everyone reading this has checked out my previous Blog – Time Management – Log it and Analyze it.  You truly cannot implement any real change without knowing and acknowledging the behaviours that require some change.  Remember Time Management isn’t about trying to squeeze as many tasks as you can into a day […]

Time Management: Step 1 – Log it and Analyze it

  What does Time Management mean to you?  Do you even think in those terms when you plan your day?  Do you even plan your day or do you let your day run you? Time Management is defined as the ability to use one’s time effectively or productively.  So … is that you!!!!  Do you go […]